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DairyQuest - A Proven Leader in Dairy Management Software

License manager

You may now purchase and obtain licenses for DairyQuest from within the program. Click here to see a demonstration of this.

Why DairyQuest?

User friendly, powerful and affordable, you will be making a good decision investing in the latest technology available  in a dairy herd management program.

With simple data entry, you will be up and running in no time at all. Check out our affordable licensing options by clicking the Order Button on the left or by calling our office at 888-597-2977.

How DairyQuest Works

DairyQuest has a unique event scheduler for handling basic and complex scheduling of events. From post-freshchecks to complex controlled heat breeding programs, DairyQuest handles them all.

Need results now? DairyQuest is packed with reports you can understand.  Our custom report generator let's you design reports for your needs.  There is no need to have someone else help you interpret your data. 

All data entry screens are customizable. You only see the data entry fields that you want to record. There is no pressing enter or tab through fields that you never use. This speeds up data entry and also makes it easier if you have someone recording data that is not familiar with your animals.

DairyQuest integrates with DairyQuest Mobile, the perfect solution for utilizing RFID.  DairyQuest Mobile is designed to be used with our Tablet PC.

We provide the best support in the business.  We're just an email or phone call away.  DairyQuest is backed by a 30 day money back guarantee and free technical support for all EZ Pay licenses.

Check out our online Instructional Videos.

Consultant Version

Does your consultant need to evaluate trends in your herd? Our DairyQuest Consultant Program allows consultants to quickly and easily evaluate data for trends using graphics and reports.

Browse our website to learn the many benefits of DairyQuest.  We also offer a Free Trial Version of DairyQuest which will allow you to use all the features and benefits of DairyQuest for 30 days.

DairyQuest Product Information

  • Unique features like the String/Pen Manager,  BST Manager, and   Performance Monitor give you the power and flexibility to make important decisions with ease and confidence.

  • From user designed entry forms to custom reporting capabilities DairyQuest is built from the ground up with features that allow you to tailor the software to your needs. DairyQuest is a powerful, easy to use Window’s program that has evolved through years of hard work with Dairy producers. 

  • Many standard reports are included with DairyQuest.  Also included is a custom report generator that empowers you to glean any information from the data stored on your herd. 

  • DairyQuest empowers you to focus on the individual cow or entire animal groups.

  • Data can be recorded using user designed entry forms, milking system interfaces and our new web version.

DairyQuest Features

  • Auto-reports generator

  • BST Manager

  • Vetcheck Manager

  • Active and removed animal records retrieval

  • Automatic event protocol scheduling

  • Automatic event scheduling

  • Individual or group entry modes

  • Customized reports

  • Customized entry screens

  • Integrate graphing capabilities

  • DHIA Interface

  • Inventory module

  • Milking Parlor Interface

  • Network version available

  • Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 Compatible